JeniferCowles HeatNBond CraftFusible fusible Fleece Blend QM bags

Hi, this is Jenifer here with you today to share a set of bags that I made for the Blend Fabrics Quilt Market Booth using the Hill and Dale fabric line.  These fabrics were so much fun to use I love how the bags turned out, my daughter has already claimed them when they make their way back from Houston.

Hill and Dale Fabrics Basket Tote & Trinket Case with HeatnBond Interfacing

Both of these items are free patterns that I have included the links in the supply list.  These patterns are very well written and I would recommend both of them.  What I did want share with you is a tip that I did because I did not have any of the fusible foam.

JeniferCowles HeatNBond Craft Fusible Fusible Fleece Blend QM Tote

The Basket Tote:

HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece

Erasable marking pen, Iron (Oliso Pro), sewing machine, sharp scissors, other general sewing supplies, zipper and bias tape supplies or packaged bias tape.

JeniferCowles_TOW_Blend QM Tote supplies

This is a perfect project to try out some of those specialty threads.

JeniferCowles HeatNBond Craft Fusible Fusible Fleece Blend QM Tote stitching

Tip: I substituted HeatnBond® Craft Fusible on both of the main fabric and the lining and then I used the HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece sandwiched in between the main and the lining fabrics. You could also add 2 layers of the Fusible Fleece if you want extra volume. This left me with a nice weight bag that is very sturdy and will last a long time.TooltipText

Trinket Case:

JeniferCowles HeatNBond Craft Fusible Fusible Fleece Blend QM zip case

HeatnBond® Craft Fusible 

Blend fabrics Hill and Dale

 Other Supplies:

Erasable marking pen, Iron (Oliso Pro), sewing machine, sharp scissors, other general sewing supplies, zipper.

JeniferCowles_TOW_Blend QM zip case supplies

JeniferCowles HeatNBond Craft Fusible Fusible Fleece Blend QM zip case layer 1

The trinket bag did not ask for a fusible foam but I still did the same technique that I did with the bag.  I love the results and I already have plans to make several more of these convenient little cases.  In this picture, you can see all of the layers.  Those fabrics are just too beautiful.

JeniferCowles_TOW_Blend QM zip case layers

JeniferCowles HeatNBond CraftFusible fusible Fleece Blend QM bags

2 Comments on Hill and Dale Fabrics Basket Tote & Trinket Case with HeatnBond Interfacing

  1. Ivory
    November 18, 2017 at 4:57 pm (6 years ago)

    Gorgeous bags, I love them

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