HeatnBond Fusible Light Weight Non-Woven Interfacing

Polaroid Style Quilt Blocks

Vacation Snapshots: Summer Fun Polaroid Quilt Blocks

When we moved into our house a year ago, for some reason I struggled with how I wanted to decorate my youngest son’s room. He was only three at the time, and I guess I thought I would wait to see what he became interested in then build a theme around that. Fast forward a […] Read more…

Vacation Week Sun and Sand Applique Beach Tote Bag

Who’s ready for a vacation?  I know I am!  Carla here from Creatin’ in the Sticks and I am here at Thermoweb to share my Sun and Sand Applique Tote Bag.  Consequently, it represents my ideal vacation, relaxing at the beach.  Maybe it’s yours too.  Most importantly, this bag is big enough to carry all […] Read more…

Turtle Shelf-sitter with Heat n Bond and Fabric Fuse

Hello again!  This is Jennifer Long from Bee Sew Inspired.  I am so excited to share a FREE and easy tutorial today.  This little Turtle is so easy, you can sew him with the children in your life, or create a stack of turtles to sit on your shelf! Turtle Shelf-sitter with Heat n Bond […] Read more…

Sweet Berry Mini Quilt with Basting Spray

Hello, and happy February! We have been snowed in for the last few days here in the Midwest. I haven’t minded too much because being home allowed me to stitch up a little last-minute sweet table topper, just in time for Valentine’s Day! My favorite treat of all time is a chocolate-covered strawberry, and since […] Read more…

Ugly Sweater Mini Quilt with HeatnBond EZ Print Sheets

Ugly Sweater Mini Quilt with HeatnBond EZ Print Sheets What’s a great Christmas holiday season, without an “Ugly Sweater”? Here is one that won’t make you look silly wearing it, but still allows you to join in on the fun of it all! It’s quick and easy to put together, and bound to put a […] Read more…

“In the Woods” Fall Quilt with HeatnBond Interfacing and PBS Fabrics

I love when Thermoweb teams up with industry partners and we get to play with new products. Have you ever heard of a “Flat Stack”?   “PBS Fabrics” has taken a revolutionary approach to the traditional fat quarter bundle. Their stacks are continuous sheets of fabric, with all of the collection’s fat quarters printed on them. […] Read more…

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