No Sew HeatnBond Fabric Matching Game
Hi friends, Alicia here again from Sew What Alicia. I am doing all I can to beat summer boredom for my kiddos and today I want to share this fun project with you. Plus I have a few tips for how to make the game even more fun! Here is a no sew Heat N Bond fabric matching game.
No Sew Heat N Bond Fabric Matching Game
HeatnBond Ultrahold Fusible Adhesive
Pinking Shears
Fat Quarters (Windham Butterfly Dance is pictured.)
Key and Number Template – SVG or PDF
Fabric Matching Game Instructions:
Press the HeatnBond to the wrong side of one of the fat quarters.
Remove the paper and press another fat quarter to the first fat quarter. I chose to use two different fabrics for the front side of the game so I cut my original fat quarter in half and then pressed the two fabrics to the other side. You can just use two prints or you can use more. Just make sure that you have the same print for all of the pieces when they are face down.
Use a pencil to mark 4″ squares.
Use your pinking shears to cut these squares apart.
Now iron on a piece of HeatnBond Ultrahold Fusible Adhesive to the back of a piece of felt. Trace the PDF or use the SVG and a cutting machine to cut out the various keys and words.
Now press the keys and words onto the front sides of the game pieces that you cut out.
I chose to have the words on the blue dot fabric and the keys on the teal dot fabric.
We have been making the game more interesting by adding a fun physical component. When my son doesn’t make a match he has to add the two numbers pictured together and do jumping jacks, or bunny hops, or another silly thing. This is helping him with his adding and getting some energy out.
You can customize these to age if these numbers are too basic make it more difficult or make it easier by using only the keys and no words.

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