HeatnBond Interfacing

Back to School Dress with HeatnBond Lightweight Interfacing

Hi!  It’s Jen from The Smitten Chicken!  Are you ready for school to start?  I am always a bit sad to see summer go, but as a mom to 6 kids…I am ready for a schedule again!!!  Are you team summer or team back to school? Back to School Dress Back to school means back-to-school […] Read more…

Fabric Binder Cover and Block of the Month with HeatnBond Interfacing

Hello and welcome! It’s Julia from Inflorescence Designs! I’m so joyful you are visiting today. Quilt Block Binder Cover Beginner sewing pattern! Supplies: Supplies are relative to the size of the binder you choose to cover. You may need more or less than what is described. Quilt Block Binder Cover Pattern: August BOM Back to […] Read more…

Back to School Lunch Sack | www.thermoweb.com/blog

Create a Back to School Fabric Lunch Sack

Back to School Lunch Sack Hi, Alicia here! I am so excited to be back with you sharing this adorable back-to-school lunch sack. If you are anything like me you are already counting down the days until school starts again, if I am honest I was counting the days until summer was over before school […] Read more…

Fabric iPad Case with HeatnBond Fusible Fleece

Hello Friends, it is Jennifer Long from Bee Sew Inspired, back with another fun and happy tutorial!  This one is one that is formed out of necessity for me! I am not sure about you, but the Ipad is a very important part of my sewing and creative daily life!   Not only do I use […] Read more…

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