Hello friends!  I don’t know about you, but where we live in Tennessee we are seeing some beautiful signs of spring this week and even though I know there will be more winter to come, I’ve got spring projects on my mind!   I thought in case you’re in the thick of winter-time where you are, you might want to make a project that brings some spring to your step!

I really love a simple applique project and one of my favorite things about it is that you don’t even need a sewing machine.  You can do it all by hand; which for me is so relaxing.  There are so many fancy ways of doing applique but this one is so simple… its just your favorite fabric scraps, a basic running stitch and you’ve got some cheerful spring art to hang!  Lets get started!


Be sure to download my free PDF step by step tutorial for this project!  After you download it, be sure to save it to your computer to use again and to share with others!

One thing I really love about this project is using the HeatnBond EZ-Print Adhesive Sheet.  You will print your Flower Art Printable directly to the adhesive sheet and this eliminates several steps!  I step you through this in my tutorial.

I always enjoy a hand sewing project and this one is simple and so rewarding!  And if you’ve not done much hand sewing, this one is perfect!

I hope this project makes you smile and puts a little warmth in your heart as we look forward to spring!


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