quilted placemat

Hi I am Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl.  I am happy to be sharing my placemat tutorial.

I made these using Pat Sloan’s fabric Bobbins & Bits – which is the cutest line of fabric!  These placemats will be in the Therm O Web booth at Quilt Market this week!  So exciting!!

Here is how you can make your own:  (the instructions are for 1 placemat)

For the hourglass blocks:

hourglass squares 1

Place the white square (line facing you) on top of the colored square (right sides together).  You may want to pin if you feel like the fabric is shifting.

hourgladd seams 2

hourglass cutting3

hourglass cutting 4

hourglass match 5

hourglass pinning 6

hourglass sewing 7

hourglass square up 8

To finish the placemat, pin the hourglass blocks together and sew so you have 2 rows of 5.  Press seams.  For the accent strip, cut a 2″x13″ piece.  I love the fabric I used – it looks like selvage but has cute sayings about sewing and quilting.  For the main fabric, cut it 13″ x however long you want your placemat.  There is no right or wrong.

To finish the placemat….

Easy & fast Version – iron on Therm O Web Fusible Fleece or other Therm O Web Fusible stabilizer, sew right sides together, turn, press,  and top stitch (pictured below)IMG_2738

For quilted version,

I used Therm O Web Fusible Fleece.  I ironed it to the pieced placemat.


Then I used the Spray n Bond Basting Spray to adhere my back to the fleece.  Next, I quilted 1″ seams along the placemat.  Bind.

This is how it turned out!  So cute!




If you are headed to Quilt Market today or tomorrow, we hope you will stop by our booth to see all the projects in person and learn more about our lineup of HeatnBond Interfacings and Adhesives!

Be sure to visit us at Booth #2315


To help you craft and create we’re giving away our must have kit filled with HeatnBond Interfacing and Adhesives! There’s truly something for everyone! Simply follow the Rafflecopter steps and you’ll be entered to win!

Rafflecopter giveaway

7 Comments on SpraynBond Fusible Fleece Quilted Placemats

  1. Virginia (Ginger)
    May 18, 2013 at 5:05 pm (12 years ago)

    I love that you used the selvage. Great technique. Love the placemat directions. Thank you so much.

  2. Jean Bullock
    May 19, 2013 at 1:41 am (12 years ago)

    Great tutorial.

  3. Patti Milazzo
    May 22, 2013 at 1:28 pm (12 years ago)

    Gorgeous placements!

  4. Ellie
    July 5, 2013 at 9:29 pm (12 years ago)

    Looks like some things I would love to make.

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  1. […]   I made these cute quilted placemats for the Therm O Web booth at Quilt Market!  Click HERE to visit the Therm O Web blog and to see the full tutorial!!  I love Therm O Web products […]