Searching for "transfer gel"

Cherish These Memories Scrapbook Layout with Newtons Nook

Alright, alright! It’s Spring already! And it’s almost the end of April! WHAT?! Somebody, please explain to me how Winter can drag out forEVER and yet Spring zips by in a flash. I just don’t get it. I have a Spring-y layout to share with you created using some Glitz Glitter Gel and Deco Foil […] Read more…

Inspiration Week with Newton’s Nook Designs: Combining Toner Card Fronts, Foil and Adorable Sheep

Hello there!  Welcome to Inspiration Week with Newton’s Nook Designs! This week Newton’s Nook Designs and Therm O Web are partnering for a fabulous inspiration week! All week long both design teams will be sharing ways to add use Therm O Web products with Newton’s Nook Designs stamps! There are prizes too of course! Be […] Read more…

Time to Fly! Deco Foil NEW Card Fronts!

We’re flying by to announce our new release! Time to Fly with our NEW Deco Foil Toner Card Fronts bin beautiful butterfly and dragonfly prints! Available in clear Letter Size, plus White and Kraft A2 and Slimline Size! You’ll find these prints are suitable for just about everything! Birthday, Anniversary, Graduation, New Baby, New Home, […] Read more…

Deco Foil Flock Dimensional Frog Mixed Media Book

Deco Foil Flock Dimensional Frog Mixed Media Book Hello crafty friends. Today I am excited to share my mixed media Book. We have a bit of a frog and bug theme going this week and I have to say that I ran with it! Does anyone ever start a project with “I’m gonna keep this […] Read more…

Deco Foil Flocked Frog Cards and Gift Boxes

Hello Crafty Friends!! Larissa here today to share some ADORABLE Deco Foil Flocked Frog Projects!! SWOON!! I’m certain if you haven’t given the Deco Foil Flock Sheets a try yet, you’ll definitely want to give them a try after seeing how they bring these Frogs to LIFE!! Deco Foil Flock Frog Cards and Gift Boxes […] Read more…

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