Joining in on the apron fun this month I have chosen to hack a pattern. I found an apron with the proper shape to meet the needs of the Queen of Hearts from the 1951 animated Disney Alice in Wonderland. With the perfect sweetheart neckline and the division of the colors sorted for us, we only have a few tweeks to hack this pattern.
Queen of Heart Halloween Apron Supplies:
HeatnBond EZ Print FeatherLite 3 sheets
Heatn’Bond Soft Stretch 1 1/2 yards
Aurifil: Black 2692 & White 2024
Simplicity 8279
Fabrics yardage according to view D
Additional fabric for yellow insert and white outline: Yellow 1/2 yard & White 1 yard
Oliso Iron
Sewing Machine
Queen of Hearts Apron Instructions:
Create apron bib as directed by pattern instructions for view D omitting the diamond applique.
Skirt hacks, these adjustments, and patterns are for the Large size but can easily be adjusted for the smaller sizes.
Drawing a line from the right of the size large notch marking at the top of the skirt pattern down to the bottom of the of the skirt at about 8 1/4 inches from the bottom front center of the pattern. The piece from the right of this line will be the pattern piece for the yellow insert. The Center front will be cut on the fold of yellow fabric. Cut 1 yellow.
1 inch to the right of the original line and to the left will be your skirt sides. Cut 1 red and 1 black.
Starting with our original line mark 1 inch to the left and taper out to the left slightly, create a curve towards the bottom. This curve will flow into a 1 1/4 inch strip around the remainder of the skirt bottom. Trace this piece onto the paper backing of Heat n Bond Soft Stretch. This is a long curved piece and will need to be drawn in 3 pieces, but they will press nicely together as you apply it to the back of white minky or fleece. You will need to trace 2 of this piece but one needs to be the reverse, just flip the pattern over to trace the reverse.
Print pattern for applique directly on HeatnBond EZ Print Featherlite. Rough trim each piece and place on the wrong side of black fabric following grain indicators on the pattern. Press. Cut out.
Peal paper backing and place on the yellow centerpiece to create alternating colors. Press in place and stitch 1/16 inch along the edge with a straight stitch.
Sew centerpiece to skirt sides and press seams to towards back. Place white pieces along the seam line and following bottom edge of skirt and press in place. Stitch along raw edges to secure in place. Continue assembling apron as directed by the pattern for view D.
And off you go to be the Queen of Hearts and have someone paint your roses red. Enjoy!
October 20, 2017 at 7:28 am (7 years ago)Wow !! Beautiful !!
Jennifer Davey
October 22, 2017 at 2:36 pm (7 years ago)Thanks so much!
Ngaio Tracy
July 23, 2018 at 6:09 pm (7 years ago)This looks fantastic. What fabric did you use for the apron please?
July 30, 2018 at 6:49 pm (7 years ago)I used cotton solid, probably Kona if we care to be specific, and a minky for the white trim. Cotton could be used but I felt the furry texture was befitting a queen!