Call them resolutions, call them goals, call them what you will… It is good to document what you hope to accomplish over the next year. What better way to document than with a scrapbook page! Below is the 2-page layout I created for my family album detailing out the 12 goals my family and I […] Read more…
Simple Quilting Made Even Easier
Happy New Year! I learned so many great sewing tricks and tips last year and am looking forward to learning even more in 2012! One of my great “discoveries” happened when I was quilting my Silly Goose toddler quilt. I was using the existing seams of the quilt as a guide for quilting straight lines. […] Read more…
Happy 2012, the winner is….
DRUM ROLL PLEASE: The winner of our New Year’s Eve giveaway goes to: KIM G. Who said: I hope this year to make lots of memories and continue documenting those memories….I also want to stretch myself creatively….get messy, learn new stuff, and use lots of sticky stuff! Thermo web makes some of my favorite adhesives…thanks […] Read more…
Happy New Year’s Eve, bring on 2012!!
The countdown is on! There is still time to enter the drawing below as I will choose a winner as the clock strikes midnight on the west coast PST. Such a great way to start the new year off right. Best wishes for an amazing year ahead. Thank you for your continued support. Cheers! Read more…
The end of another year…farewell 2011.
*google image* Happy Friday Therm O Web fans! As we all work to take the holiday decor down, prep for New Year celebrations, etc…are you also thinking about what the New Year means to you? What you want to accomplish? What you want to change? What you want to see change? Please share with us […] Read more…
Pat Sloan – A bit of fun Quilting on a Cruise ship
For the last seven years I’ve taught on quilting cruises. This year I took 60 quilters to the Caribbean! This is my class room.. the back lounge at the top of the ship (behind the bar.. wink!) I always teach an applique project with Heat n bond lite and fusible Fleece. Here is the kits […] Read more…