Halloween is just around the corner and though I don’t have any adorable children to dress up and I have gone beyond the Adult Halloween Party stage, I do enjoy handing out candy to trick or treaters and my Labradoodles Moose and Juki love to help out.
This year I thought it would be fun to outfit them with their own treat bags as many of our friends and neighbors bring by goodies for them on Halloween. I whipped up a few of these last night in under a few hours and they sure turned out cute- (the models might be helping) and I figured I would share how I did it with you all as I am sure my dogs are not the only ones who love to join in in the Halloween festivities.
Fabric/Supply Requirements (directions for 1 bag)
I FQ of orange fabric
1FQ of black fabric
HeatnBond® lite
HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece
SpraynBond® Basting Spray
Some ribbon or string for the handle
Step 1 Print out an image to applique- I chose to do letters – I spelled out “I do tricks for treats” in Show card Gothic font in Microsoft Word- font size 100. If letters are too much work for you then some bats or a jack o lantern face would look great too!
Step 2 Cut 2 orange rectangles 10.5”x12.5” as well as 2 black rectangles the same size. Cut 1 strip 2.5” x22” from the remaining black fabric. From what remains of the black fabric set aside a piece big enough to cover the image or words you want to applique
Step 3 Following manufacturer’s instructions fuse HeatnBond® Lite to wrong side of black fabric reserved for applique.
Step 4 Roughly cut out the words or image you want to applique and apply a light coating of spray baste to the back side of the cut outs. Then stick the images or words to the front of the fabric already prepared with heat n bond lite. Carefully cut out image or letters.
Step 5 Take one of the orange rectangles to the ironing board and carefully arrange the image or letters until you are happy with them (making sure you have peeled the paper off the back first). Following manufacturer’s instructions fuse the applique to the orange rectangle.
Step 6 Cut out two pieces of HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece 10.5” x 12.5”. Fuse fleece to wrong side of orange rectangles. Spray a light coating of spray baste to the back of the fleece. Adhere the black rectangles to the back side of the fleece right sides facing up.
Step 7 Using your darning (free motion quilting) foot with the feed dogs lowered carefully outline your image or words just inside the edge of the applique to secure it down. (this step is optional, however if applique is not sewn down it may eventually fall off). You may also quilt the rest as desired,- or don’t quilt it, as fusible fleece has been used it isn’t required.
Step 8 Square up both rectangles and carefully zig zag stitch over the seam edges. Line up the center mark on your sewing machine foot with the edge of the fabric so when you zig zag stitch the needle goes over the edge of the fabric every other stitch. Doing this creates a locking stitch similar to one a serger makes and keeps the edges from fraying.
Step 9 Attach binding to the top edges of both rectangles.
Step 10 With orange sides facing sew around the 3 edges without binding using a ¼ inch seam allowance. Make sure to back stitch at the start and finish to really secure the seam.
Step 11 Pinch the bottom corners so that both the bottom seam and the side seam are exactly lined up with each other. Use a ruler to mark a straight line 2.5” across. Sew along line back-stitching at the start and finish. Repeat with other corner. You may trim these triangles off or leave them- I prefer to leave them as they are in the lining and can’t be seen and add to the structure of the bottom of the bag.
Step 12 Turn bag inside out, push corner seams out and marvel at how darned cute it is. Now attach the neck string- just a few stitches should secure It, and be sure to measure it to make sure you get it to hang right on your pup!
Hope you and your pet have a happy and safe Halloween!
April 3, 2014 at 6:44 pm (10 years ago)Love the dog’s treat bag so they can go trick and treating, too