It’s time…time to share some information on another of our talented Designers…up today..the very talented and fun Juliana Michaels!



Get to Know Designer Juliana Michaels

1) Favorite color – This is always a tough one. I love color and my favorite changes all the time! Right now I’m really loving a lime green color, but I also really love turquoise, yellow, orange and purple!

2) Best place to go grab a bite to eat?  – I love more authentic Mexican food, so my favorite place is a local Mexican restaurant we go to called Luchita’s!


3) If you won a million dollars…first thing you would do? – I’d be totally practical and pay off all our bills!

4) Are you a sports fan? Favorite team to sheer on? I love the Cleveland Cavaliers and I was so excited to have them win the National Championship this past year!


5) Dream car if price was no limit? Or boat? – I don’t get super excited about cars, but it would be fun to have boat! That would let me go fishing more often and bring back loads of great childhood memories!


6) Slot machines, pinball machines, xbox one or give me a good ole deck of cards? – None of the above. I”m not a big game player, so I’ll pass on all of them.

7) Number one quality about yourself? I’m very passionate about the things I do. If I’m going to do it, I give 110%!

8) Dream date with any famous person? –  I would love to have dinner with LeBron James!

9) Favorite tv show? movie? – Currently my favorite show is This Is Us, but I also really love Gotham, Blacklist and Blindspot! My favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally. This one totally dates me, but it is still my all time favorite movie!

10) If you could describe yourself in an animal..what would it be? –  I’d have to say a bull. I can be a bit hard headed at times!

11) Tell us about you and your pets? – I have 2 Golden Retrievers named Shirley and Lincoln. Lincoln is 2.5 years old and Shirley, who is Lincoln’s Mom, is 5. They can be such silly goof balls, but they are the sweetest bubba’s ever! Since we don’t have any children, these two are quite spoiled!

lincoln_shirley lincoln-2

12) Favorite project you’ve made? – My favorite recent project would have to be a set of Halloween Apothecary Jars I created. I love to decorate for Halloween and I love to make most of my decorations!


13) Tell us something about you most people don’t know or would be surprised to learn? – I absolutely love to fish and last year my birthday present from my husband was a fishing pole!

Thanks so much Juliana for sharing a bit of you and letting us get to know more about you!

5 Comments on Get to Know Designer – Juliana Michaels

  1. BunnyD
    January 11, 2017 at 1:12 pm (8 years ago)

    I’ve been following Juliana’s blog for quite a while. She’s such a vibrant person and has such great project ideas. You were smart to snap her up! She’s been sharing her super freebie cut files and rocks the Coffee Lovers Blog with her work also. I’d go fishing with her anyday!

    • Juliana Michaels
      January 11, 2017 at 1:43 pm (8 years ago)

      Awww! Thanks so much Bunny!

    • admin
      January 11, 2017 at 2:00 pm (8 years ago)

      We could not agree more! You’ll find many of Juliana’s free printables and cut files on our blog!

  2. Dionna Vallejos
    January 11, 2017 at 1:44 pm (8 years ago)

    I’d so love to go fishing. I live n NM so we dont have many decent lakes or fishing holes. I’ve never been fishing to be honest about it. Have fun for someone who would love to go with you but is a desert rat. Lol We also enjoy some of your other fun things but I’m with you on games…leave them alone. Haha! I’m a passionate person who’s only wish is to have a rubber band bank account. Unfortunately, mine keeps snapping. Lol Ty for allowing us to get to know a bit about yourself. Keep your passion going full tilt boogie. Oh…and if i had to describe myself as an animal, I’d be my sign….THE BULL cuz YA MESS WITH THE BULL, YOU’LL GET THE HORNS. hehe

  3. Kelli Moss
    January 11, 2017 at 5:57 pm (8 years ago)

    Fantastic interview Juliana. But of course, I might be a little biased since we are friends. LOL You answers crack me up…especially the BULL! Now, I like Luchita’s as much as the next person, but you need to try Quesadillas by me. Their food is phenomenal. You pick a day and I’ll treat!