Dog Walkin’ Go Bags with HeatnBond Fusible Fleece
Dog Walking Go Bags by Jennifer Davey

Dog Walking Go Bag
Dog Walkin” Go Bags by Jennifer Davey

Never be caught without the most important of dog walking supplies; baggies, treats and hand sanitizer will all fit easily in this Dog Walking Go bag. Perfect for use of fat quarters or large scraps. The treat pocket is vinyl to protect the fabric and make for easy cleaning a separate pocket for hand sanitizer will keep your fur baby safe.

Dog Walkin’ Bag Supplies:

Dog Walkin' Go Bag Supplies

HeatnBond Fusible Low Loft Fleece (coming soon!)

HeatnBond Iron On Vinyl

Removable Ruler Tape

Moda: Woof Woof Meow, 4 fat quarters

Aurofil Thread: 4182 & 2930

Oliso Iron

Basic Sewing supplies: Sewing machine, cutting tools, wonder clips and hand sewing needle, alligator clip.

Dog Walkin’ Go Bags Instructions:

Cut 1 each:

9 x 7 inch- lining, back and HeatnBond Fusible Low Loft Fleece.

6 x 7 inch- HeatnBond Fusible Low Loft Fleece

4-inch ribbon

Cut 2 each:

6 x 7 inch – HeatnBond Iron-On Vinyl, outer pocket, & pocket lining

Dog Walkin' Go Bags

Press matching size HeatnBondĀ® Fusible Low Loft Fleece to the wrong side of the back fabric and one of outer pocket fabric.

Jennifer Davey HeatnBond Fusible low loft fleece Dog Walkin Go Bag (2a)

Following printed directions apply HeatnBond Iron-On Vinyl to right side of both pocket lining pieces. (The vinyl with both contain the crumbs and protect your fabric.)

Jennifer Davey HeatnBond Fusible low loft fleece Dog Walkin Go Bag (2b)

Sewing on vinyl can be tricky if you don’t have the right foot UNLESS you know this fun little trick, of course, a Teflon nonstick foot is highly recommended and a walking foot can do the job but if you don’t have either on hand this simple use of Removable ruler tape on the bottom of your presser foot will allow your foot to glide over the vinyl.TooltipText

Jennifer Davey HeatnBond Fusible low loft fleece Dog Walkin Go Bag (2c)

Sew pocket lining to pocket fronts with right sides facing, sew along the top of the 7-inch side with 3/8 inch seam allowance (all other seam allowances will be the same unless indicated).

Turn right side out and top stitch 1/8 inch from the seamed edge.

In the same manner, assemble the second pocket.

Jennifer Davey HeatnBond Fusible low loft fleece Dog Walkin Go Bag (3a)

Stack pockets with vinyl sides facing and place at bottom of lining piece matching corners. Baste pockets in place along 3 raw sides.

Place back fabric on top of pocket unit matching the top edge and stitch together in the same manner as pocket assembly, turn right side out and add the top stitch.

Accordion fold at the top as illustrated, the fabric will come down about 2 1/4 inch then back out, the backing fabric will come all the way back down to the bottom of the pockets. Add a folded loop of ribbon between folded backing section at the top (see pic). Sew around raw edges leaving 2 1/2 to 3 inch opening at bottom of bag.

Jennifer Davey HeatnBond Fusible low loft fleece Dog Walkin Go Bag (3b)

Trim excess fabric around seams to reduce bulk when turned. Flip right side out through opening and hand sew opening closed.

Happy Stitching!

Jennifer Davey HeatnBond Fusible low loft fleece Dog Walkin Go Bag (4a)


1 Comment on Dog Walkin’ Go Bags with HeatnBond Fusible Fleece

  1. Belinda
    August 30, 2017 at 8:52 am (7 years ago)

    Thanks for the cute and useful product tutorial!