HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing – Craft Extra Firm

Sew a Stylish Sunglass Case with HeatnBond Fusible Fleece

Sew a Stylish Sunglass Case with HeatnBond Fusible Fleece

Hi there!  It’s finally SUMMER and that means Sunglasses.  If you are anything like me, you need something to put those little stinkers in (I couldn’t even find mine for the photos… I rest my case). Sew a Stylish Sunglass Case with HeatnBond Fusible Fleece Let’s make a glasses case that is so stinkin cute […] Read more…

HeatnBond Zipper Pouch Tutorial by Lorrie Nunemaker

Zipper Pouch with HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing

Zipper Pouch with HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing Hello!  It’s Lorrie here with a super easy and fun zipper pouch featuring HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing. This is a great beginner sewing project and it only takes a few supplies. You need 4 square pieces of fabric (I used 6.5″ squares, but you can use any size you like).  […] Read more…

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