HeatnBond EZ-Print Sheets

Men’s Shirt Re-Fashion with EZ Print Sheets

Men’s Shirt Re-Fashion Hi!  Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl here!!  I have been loving the book, Never Been Stitched (and so has my 14-year old daughter….she’s upstairs making a family of octopus out of jersey knit and Styrofoam balls!) This inspiring book has so many fun and quick projects to make with fabric.  One of the projects featured in the book […] Read more…

The Makings of a Halloween Rainbow Costume

Maybe some of you have the same predicament that I do, my children are asked to bring their Halloween costumes to school with them and put them on for a Halloween parade.  It’s hard to pull off a good costume that can be packed into a backpack!  This year, my daughter decided to be a […] Read more…

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