We had an empty wall in our dining room that need a little quilty touch. I have been on a kick of adding words to my quilting. This is such a simple way that you can personalize your work.
The word EAT is simple word to add to your quilt. It does not require to be reversed.
Project Supplies:
HeatnBond® Lite Fusible Adhesive or HeatnBond® Lite EZ Print Sheets
Fabrics of your choice
Project Instructions:
You can use photo editing such as PicMonkey or another type of software to find a font that is more decorative and fits your style. When doing this particular method, you can choose a transparent canvas at the size you wish to print. This was created using a 8″ x 10″.
Simply trace over the letters onto your HeatnBond® Lite. Cut around your letters, leaving a 1/4″ space. Iron to the wrong side of your fabrics. Cut the letter our on the line.
Tip: You can also use our HeatnBond® Lite EZ Print Sheets to print the design directly on to the HeatnBond® Fusible Adhesive saving yourself a step too!TooltipText
Remove the paper backing and iron in place. Applique stitch around the letters or design. When you are finished with the rest of your quilt, you can easily quilt over the top of the pieces that you have appliqued in place.