Zipper Pouch with HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing
Hello! It’s Lorrie here with a super easy and fun zipper pouch featuring HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing.
This is a great beginner sewing project and it only takes a few supplies.
You need 4 square pieces of fabric (I used 6.5″ squares, but you can use any size you like). I chose to use two different fabrics one for the outer fabric and one for the lining. You will also need two pieces of HeatnBond Fusible Interfacing cut the same size, a piece of fabric cut to 1.5′ x 3″, a lobster clasp and a zipper. You’ll want to get your sewing machine and iron ready as well.
This zipper pouch is the perfect size to throw into your tote bag for those odds and ends you don’t want to lose track of.
The pouch is fully lined. I added a little tassel on the zipper to match the lining fabric.
Ready to make one? I’ve got a step by step video tutorial for you.
MaryAnn Foltz
April 13, 2018 at 5:11 pm (7 years ago)Thank you for the fantastic ideas !! Great