I went outside my comfort zone a bit today to work on an idea that I had in my head. I wanted to use the iCraft® Mixed Media sheets on a Halloween project and I thought they would be great as the wings of a bat.
Going A Bit Batty Halloween Decor
I scoured around Pinterest for a bit, looking for some ideas, and I combined a few into my own pattern, which I have made available for you here as a pdf to print and cut!
Find the pattern here:
Bat Body and Wing Pattern by Audrey Yeager
Project Supplies:
Black felt or fabric
iCraft® Mixed Media sheets (Heavy)
DecoFoil™ Transfer Sheets in Black
Buttons for eyes
Project Instructions:
- First I printed the wing patterns right on the Mixed Media Heavy sheet. It fits perfetly in the printer and prints so nicely! Then I painted each wing black and foiled the face of the wing (watch the process video below).
- Next I basically made a cone from the felt by stitching the two rectangular pieces together on the long sides. However, you have to stitch the wings in between these seams after the have dried. It’s a bit tricky, but I found rolling them up inside worked fine.
- Next I hand stitched on the bottom on the circle with a whipstitch, leaving a space to turn it inside out.
- I stuffed it with polyfil, leaving the tip unstuffed. Stitch the bottom closed.
- Roll down the tip and fold under to create the face. I stitched across the ears a bit to make them stand out a bit more. Stitch on two eyes for buttons and glue triangular strips of the Mixed Media sheets for teeth using Fabric Fuse glue!
- NOTE: My wings were kind of flimsy after having been rolled and stuffed inside. I painted the back of each wing with some Fabric Fuse liquid adhesive to help stabilize them a bit more. You could also add pipe cleaners, or another layer of Mixed Media sheets to the back.TooltipText
You can watch how I made this little guy, here:
Please let me know if you have any questions!
September 26, 2016 at 1:20 pm (9 years ago)What a cute project! I love the leathery look the foiling gives to his wings! Great idea to create his head out of folding the top of the body down. Really simple but effective design!