Hi, Friends! Lisa from Stubbornly Crafty here to share a fun and simple pillow cover with you.

I love piecing quilt blocks together but don’t always have the time to make a large quilt. Today we are going to make one quick block and turn it into a 16” square pillow cover. Perfect for the upcoming Valentines holiday!


For quilt block:

  • ¼ yard (cream or white for background) quilters cotton fabric
  • Fat Eighth red quilters cotton
  • Fat Eighth blue quilters cotton 
  • Quilt in a Day acrylic ruler

For pillow cover:

square up a half square triangle

To square up a half square triangle I prefer using a Quilt in a Day acrylic ruler. Line up your 4.5” line on your sew line and trim the express. Press open, trim your tails, and you’re done.

attach sew-in fleece to quilt block

Download and follow the directions on sewing together the heart block for the front of your pillow. Gather your pillow cover supplies. Place your Stitch-n-Sew Sew-in Fleece on your work table. On the back of your completed heart block spray your Spray-n-Bond Basting Adhesive. Carefully lay the block right side centered on top of your Fleece. Make sure to smooth out any wrinkles. 

quilt vertical lines on quilt block

Take to your sewing machine and quilt. I like to do vertical lines because I find them the easiest. 

trim quilt block to specified dimensions

Trim your quilted heart block. From your backing fabric cut two 16.5”x10.75” pieces.

**If your block shrunk a bit in the quilting process as one of mine did, no worries! Trim to a 16.25” square and shorten your lining to that same width (so 16.25”x10.75”). 

top stitch along folded seams

Next, lay one of your backing pieces wrong side up. Along one of the longer sides fold the edge over approximately ¼-inch, then fold over again another ¼-inch. Repeat with the second backing piece. Take to your sewing machine and top stitch along that folded seam.  

lay pillow top over backing fabric

Lay your backing on your table just as you’d like it to appear on the finished pillow. Lay the pillow top over the backing with the right side facing down. 

pin and sew the edge seams

Starting in the four corners, pin around the perimeter. Pin the top and bottom and then the side making sure the backing pieces overlap and lineup. Take to your sewing machine. Using a 1/4” seam allowance, sew a straight line along the perimeter of the outside edge. Lastly, sew a zigzag around the perimeter to help keep the edge from fraying. Turn right side out and you’re finished!

finished pillow covers

I pressed my pillow covers so the edges are nice and crisp. Stuff a 16” pillow form inside your cover and enjoy.

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