Snow Showers Winter Lantern

As a child, I loved the snow! It didn’t matter how much or how little we got, I loved it all! As a child that went to school in the 1980’s my elementary school even let us snow sled in the snow. It was my even my favorite them the year. Because this a fond childhood memory my husband and I even put snow sleds out for the neighborhood kids to use.

To start this project I got a basic lantern from a big box store. They had many different sizes and colors to choose from; black, white or silver. I choose black for this project. Make sure the glass is cleaned and free of fingerprints before going to the next step. It is even a good idea to sure a glass cloth to finish cleaning the glass.


Next, put a piece of Gina K Designs Masking Paper over the part of the Gina K. Designs StampnStencil Detail Stencil – Wishing You Joy I didn’t want to use. This will ensure nothing will go onto that part of the stencil.

Pixie Spray

I sprayed iCraft Pixie Spray on the backside of the stencil and let it dry to it gets a little tacky. It is about a minute or two.

Glitz Glitter Gel

When applying the stencil to the outside of the glass I simply finger pushed it down onto the glass. Then using a palette knife I spread Gina K. Designs Glitz Glitter Gel – Blue first down the center of the snowflakes and then Gina K. Designs Glitz Glitter Gel – Silver over the entire stencil. I repeated these steps on each of the four sides of my lantern. Then set aside to let dry.

To finish the lantern I placed a battery-powered led candle. This makes a perfect centerpiece or on a mantle or a fireplace. Not only is it pretty but is functional.

1 Comment on Snow Showers Winter Lantern with Glitz

  1. Darlene De Sario
    November 5, 2019 at 6:44 am (5 years ago)
