Hello! It’s Stephanie from Sissy Belle Sews, here with a quick and fun project to help you get organized in the new year! If you’re like me, you start thinking about New Year’s organizational goals before the holidays are over. Right before Christmas, I decided to make my six-year-old a little pouch to hang at the end of his bed to keep his special little friends in.

SpraynBond Scrappy Fabric Bed Caddy

If you can’t tell by the picture, I’ll just tell you this boy loves dogs! He has about two dozen stuffed little puppies, and I was struggling to find a place to keep them! So, I made this quick and easy pouch, hung it up with command hooks, and he stuffed it full in no time! If your kids aren’t into stuffed animals, it would also be a great way to store blankets, pillows, and even books, if your hooks are strong enough! I’ll share how I made it with you today, in case you decide to make one too!

Supplies Needed

Sewing Instructions

  • Sew your patchwork squares together. You will need four rows of 8 squares. See diagram below.

  • Cut a piece of fleece 17″ x 33″ and a piece of lining 18″ x 34″. Make a “quilt sandwich” and hold the layers together by spraying them with Spray n Bond Basting Spray. Since this is a smaller quilt, the basting spray works really well and saves a lot of time. It’s small enough to not need pinned but large enough to need something. Quilt as desired. Trim to 16.5″ x 32.5″. This will be the front piece of the pocket.

  • Cut a 20.5″ x 32.5″ piece of fabric for the back piece of the pocket. Cut a piece of batting 21″ x 33″, and a piece of backing fabric slightly larger than the batting. Spray basted in place and quilt as before. Trim to 20.5″ x 32.5″.
  • Using ribbon, cording, or fabric, make three loops 4″ long. Attach the loops to the top of the back pocket piece. Sew these 1/4″ from the edge, on the backside of the pocket. These are used to hang the caddy once it’s finished.

  • Cut a 2.5″ x 32.5″ piece of binding fabric. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, wrong sides together, and press. Sew the binding strip to the top of the patchwork front pocket.
  • Place the patchwork pocket front face up on top of the 20.5″ x 32.5″ pocket back. Pin in place.
  • Cut three binding strips 2.5″ x WOF. Sew strips together, fold in half lengthwise with wrong sides together, and bind the pockets together. When sewing the binding to the backside, make sure to cover the raw edges of the loops you sewed on.

  • Hang up your bed caddy, and fill it full of what makes you happy! it really holds a lot!

Happy sewing!


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