Hello and welcome!

It’s Julia from Inflorescence Designs! I’m so joyful you are visiting today. For today’s tutorial, I am sharing how to create simple Reusable Gift Ribbons using HeatnBond Medium Weight Non-Woven Fusible.

It’s cookie season this time of year in my house.  Both of my girls are members of Girl Scouts and every year we search for unique ways to thank their customers.  This year I am having my oldest daughter help make Reusable Gift Ribbons to wrap their orders in to deliver to their customers.

These Reusable Gift Ribbons are for more than just cookies.  Create any size to fit your needs! The measurements I post here will fit 3-4 boxes of cookies but can work with similar size packaging.

Reusable Gift Ribbons


Supplies are for the size of ribbon pictured.  Increase or decrease depending on size of package. Longer ribbons can be wrapped multiple times around a package. 


Begin by…

Gather all your supplies and preheat your iron. Adhere the Medium Weight Non-Woven Fusible to the wrong side of your fabric.


Fold the fused fabric in half and press to create a crease.  Fold both raw edges to the center crease and press.  Fold the fabric in half concealing the raw edges and press.

Fold over both short ends of the fabric to conceal the raw edges. Press.


Sew 1/8″ down one side of the ribbon, across one short end and back up the other side, leaving one short end of ribbon open.


Insert your elastic into the opening about 1 1/2″.  Sew back and forth several times to secure.


Hand stitch a button to the non-elastic side.


This reusable ribbon works really well holding fabric wrapping on gifts!

Thank you for visiting today!  Come back soon to see what else will be starting to bloom with Inflorescence Designs!

Starting to bloom by choosing JOY ~ Julia

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