Back to School Vase

My kids start school again in 3 weeks (we always start a bit later).  My youngest is starting Kindergarten this year.  While I am sad to lose the buddy I hang out with during the day she is super excited to go to school all day long and eat lunch at school.  She has an […] Read more…


Hello and Happy Friday Therm O Web fans!  It’s Erin here with you today, with some wedding shares!  Over the past few years, our family has had many joyous occasions to celebrate!               Our daughters had the honor of being flower girls in all of them… so love especially […] Read more…

CHA Summer 2012

Good morning Therm O Web Fans!!  How many of you were lucky enough to go to CHA this summer in Chicago?  I was on a family trip so I didn’t go and it’s been awhile since I was there, however I sent several projects in for displays. Have you ever wondered how many of those […] Read more…

Baby Mine Layout

Hi Jenifer here with you today with a simple but cute layout for you today. Hexagons are all the rage right now.  I cut out a bunch of hexagons and went from corner to corner anchoring my picture in the middle.  I used the SuperStick Glue stick to attach them all.  I made a few custom flowers and attached […] Read more…

Fabric baskets using Fusible Interfacing

We have a two story house and majority of my son’s toys are upstairs. He is fine with what he has downstairs, most of the time, but sometimes he wants different toys.  He loads his hands with cars and trains and carries them up and down the stairs. To help him with this endeavor I searched on […] Read more…

Use Therm O Web HeatnBond to Create Hair Bow

It is pretty easy to make your own fabric embellishments if you have a Silhouette and Therm O Web HeatnBond. First, you need to fuse the HeatnBond to your fabric. The HeatnBond stiffens the fabric enough for it to be cut by the blade. The HeatnBond instructions say to put the rough side of the […] Read more…

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