treats bag tutorial

Tricks” and “Treats” Bags by Amanda Niederhauser of Jedi Craft Girl

I love making homemade “treats” bags for my children at Halloween.  I often coordinate the bag with the costume!  In this quick and easy pattern, it would be fun to change up the fabrics to match whatever your little ones are dressing up as!


Here’s how you can make one:


various patterns of fabric
HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece
HeatnBond® Fusible Interfacing Light Weight


Cut the following pieces for the outer bag

Orange Chevron (2) 7 1/2″ x 13″
Purple (2) 2″ x 13″
Candy (2) 6″ x 13″

Sew the pieces together in this order using 1/4″ seams.  Press all seams in one direction.  Make 2.


Cut (2) 13″ x 14 1/2″ for the lining.


Cut a 2″ notch out of the bottom corners of the lining pieces.




Pin the 2 lining pieces right sides together.  Sew the side seams and bottom seam, leaving the notched pieces open ( 1/4″ seams).IMG_3276

Open the lining and match the notched seams together, pin.  Sew along the raw edge using 1/4″ seam.



Trace the “treats”in reverse on a piece of HeatnBond® Lite.  (“Treats” pattern is at the end of the post)


Iron the word to the wrong side of black fabric.  Cut out the letters along the lines.  Remove the backing paper and place the letters on the orange chevron print as desired.  Press with hot, dry iron.  Stitch around the letters using black thread.


Prepare a 2 pieces of HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece 14 1/2″ x 13″.  Iron them to the wrong side of both outer bag pieces.

Cut 2″ notches out of the bottom of the outer bag pieces.


Place outer bag pieces right sides together and sew side seams and bottom seam just like you did with the lining.  (1/4″ seams)  Make sure to match side seams.


Prepare the handles:

Cut 6″ x WOF.



Press the strip in half.IMG_3285

Open the strip and press each side in to meet the center crease.

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Fold the two sides together and top stitch both sides 1/8″.  Cut (2) 19″ pieces out of the long strip you just sewed.


Baste the handles to the outside of the bag 2 1/2″ from each side of the bag.


Turn the lining inside out and place the outer bag inside the lining like this:


Match side seams and pin.  Pin all the way around the bag.  Sew 1/4″ around the bag.


Un-sittch a small opening in one side of the lining.  Use this opening to turn the bag right side out.



Topstitch the opening closed.IMG_3293

Press the lining inside the bag and pin along the top of the bag.  Topstitch 1/8″ from the edge of the bag.  You’re Done!


I love that it is almost like a “bucket”.  With the HeatnBond® Fusible Fleece the bag is strong enough to stand up on it’s own.  This will be great for loading up with candy!!

Here is the “Tricks” version!

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9 Comments on Halloween “Treats” Bag – Featured Project

  1. marylouh
    September 1, 2013 at 10:28 am (12 years ago)

    I would get my sewing machine out to make this treat bag. I love the materials used.

  2. Wendi
    September 16, 2014 at 9:03 pm (10 years ago)

    I just made these bags for each of my children and posted it on my FB feed. Several people have contacted me asking to buy them. Prior to selling something made from your pattern, I wanted to know how you felt about it. I would be happy to share my finished pictures with you!

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