Hi, it’s Jojo Ruble! My mom is Lisa Ruble from Quilty Zest. I had an idea for a T-Shirt that I could make and wear to school. My plan was to use Heat n’ Bond fusible adhesive from Thermoweb to applique letters that spell out “FREE HIGH FIVES” and walk around school with my hand up like I was waiting for a high five.

When I wore the shirt to school after completing it, I got quite a few high fives from anyone including teachers, classmates, and even my bus driver! Keep reading to learn how to make your own version of this shirt!


You’ll Need:

1 (one) Blank t-shirt with your choice of color and size (I got mine from Joann’s because they have lots of color choices)

¼ yard of jersey knit fabric in a contrasting color

Thermoweb Heat n’ Bond fusible adhesive

Thermoweb lightweight fusible interfacing

Thermoweb Pressing Paper


Click Here to download the letter templates.


Assemble the Shirt:

1.Trace the letters onto the paper side of the fusible adhesive (The letters will be backwards, this is correct).

2. Fuse the traced letters onto the jersey knit fabric (jersey knit does not have a right or wrong side).

3. Cut out the letters on drawn lines.

4. Fold the t-shirt in half from left to right to find center line. Press.

5. Peel paper off the letters.

6. Use a ruler to keep the first line of letters straight and position letters using center fold line as a guide. Start by positioning the “R” and “E” around the center line and work out from there. Fuse the first word in place.

7. Repeat step 6 until all lines of letters are completed. (Try to keep consistent spacing between letters and lines.)

Check out this YouTube Video Short for the positioning of the letters.

8. Measure length of words and cut a piece of fusible interfacing 1” larger (Ours was 8.5″ – 11”).

9. Turn t-shirt inside out with the inside of the front facing up.

10. Layer the fusible interfacing face down on the inside of the front of the t-shirt and make sure the piece extends past all the letters.

11. Using the pressing paper to protect your iron, fuse the interfacing in place.

12. Turn the t-shirt right-side out.

13. On your sewing machine, make sure you have only one layer of t-shirt under the foot, and stitch near the edge of each letter to secure in place and backstitch a few stitches at the beginning and end of each letter.

Enjoy your new t-shirt!

My younger brother liked this idea so much and decided to copy me with a small variation in words and my mom made a third shirt for my older brother as well.

To find templates for these other two t-shirts go to my mom’s website at QuiltyZest.com. If you want other messages, look for letters to trace online or make your own. Thanks for reading my first tutorial!

Jojo Ruble

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