Hi friends!
I’m really excited about this month’s Facebook Live and I think you will be too! The concept is called “Build Your Own Block” and requires a bit of a backstory, so keep reading…
But first, don’t forget to join the Therm O Web Facebook Group prior to our live by clicking here and answering the questions to join!
And then join me (and BenjI!) tonight, March 19th at 7:30 PM CST for a Facebook Live in the Therm O Web Craft Room Facebook Group!
This idea starts back two weeks ago when I visited Benji’s class for my “What It’s Like to Be a Quilter” presentation. I’ve done a version of this presentation since 2019 in my kids’ classes – it’s part trunk show (the kids love our Minecraft quilt the best), part math lesson, and part career day. At the end, I give each student a baggie with colored cardstock squares, rectangles and triangles to design their own quilt block. The blocks these kids make always amaze me – they’re so creative, and so outside the box of what I would do! See a couple examples below.
So with that experience fresh in my head, I decided to translate this concept to fabric, and recruit my sons Jojo and Benji to help. And now it’s your turn! In this post and in tonight’s Facebook Live, we’ll be sharing how we cut the fabric shapes and how we played around with our designs. We’ll also share what each of our blocks turned into (they’re simply unfinished blocks in these pictures).
Let’s take a look at what you’ll need:
Fabric – scraps, plus a larger piece (we used 10-1/2″ squares) for the block background. We used my fabric line, Find Your Way.
HeatnBond Lite Sewable
A willingness to experiment
Here are some of the cut pieces we worked with. I chose to cut squares, rectangles and triangles from 6 different tonal prints. (These are the Wander design from Find Your Way.)
I love how Jojo (left) and Benji (right) went in such completely different directions for their blocks. What they created fits their personalities perfectly.
Of course I got in on the fun too!
This was such a fun creativity experiment, and it’s a great project to do with kids!
I hope you’ll join us tonight March 19th at 7:30 PM CST for a Facebook Live in the Therm O Web Craft Room Facebook Group to learn more!