DecoFoil™ Valentine Fabric Frames


Valentines day is coming! I love decorating with reds and blues and all things love. This year I have decided to add a few more handmade items to the shelves and I’m so excited to share with you my Decofoil™fabric frames. They are customizable to your style and work for pretty much any project you have.


Thermoweb Deco foil™ Hot Melt
Thermoweb Deco foil
Thermoweb HeatnBond® Interfacing Craft Weight (8×10)
Fabric piece (8×10)
8×10 Frame
Oliso Smart Touch Iron
Additional Supplies: Scissors, Rotary Cutter, Rulers, Cutting Machine(optional)

Deco Foil™ Fabric Frame Instructions:

Fuse the HeatnBond® interfacing to the back of the fabric. This will create a sturdy surface for your deco foil to go on and will keep the fabric shape inside the frame.

Using your cutting machine, cut out your saying in the hot melt product. I use an older mat and place the hot melt bumpy side down. This allows me not to have to reverse my image and allows the design to cut nicely through the paper. If you do not have a machine you can also trace your letters onto the hot melt and cut it out. I do this for a lot of my projects as well. The font used for this is called paperland.

You can find cutting settings for various diecut machines here.TooltipText

Lay your deco foil™ hot melt on your project using a ruler to help keep the saying straight. Iron on medium for about 30 seconds with firm pressure. LET IT COOL before img_3782removing the paper. Place your desired deco foil color on top of your project and cut it down to side.
Iron for 30-40 seconds on medium and allow to cool COMPLETELY!!!! (I always get antsy and w
ant to pull it too soon…but this will cause tears. DON’T DO IT!) Also, don’t forget to lay the parchment paper down before ironing on each step!Once the foil has completely cooled, pull it away and be amazed. Then place your project inside the frame and enjoy your work.




I really love this project because you can reuse the frame and have little sayings to switch out all year long. With the endless colors of deco foil (31 to be exact!) …the fun never ends.


Happy sewing!

Kristen Wright of Two Blondes and a Sewing Machine

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