We’re back today with this unique tote bag featuring Indygo Junction Crossroads Denim and our NEW iCraft Deco Foils! Our iCraft® Deco Foils™ not only work beautifully on paper they’re also perfect for fabric..proof in the project below!

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Indygo Junction Crossroads Denim Tote Bag Tutorial

By Jamie Mueller of Sunflower QUILTS

½ yard exterior fabric
½ yard interior fabric
¼ yard strap fabrics
2 yards HeatnBond® Featherweight Fusible
1 sheet iCraft® DecoFoil™
iCraft® Deco Foil™ Fusible Spray Adhesive
Letter stickers

From Exterior Fabric:
2- 18” x 20” pieces
From Interior Fabric:
2- 18” 20” pieces
From Strap Fabric:
2- 5” x 28” pieces
From Featherweight Fusible:
2- 18” x 20” pieces
2- 5” x 28” pieces
*Fuse the featherweight HeatnBond® Fusible to the wrong side of the 2- 18” x 20” Exterior Fabric pieces.

DecoFoil Instructions:
*Tip: If for any reason you need to use your iron over the DecoFoil, USE A PRESSING CLOTH or Pressing Paper otherwise the DecoFoil™ will fade away.
1. On 1-18” x 20” Exterior Fabric piece (18” length and 20” width), place letter stickers as desired with whatever phrase you like.

2. Using the iCraft® Deco Foil™ Fusible Spray Adhesive, spray over entire sticker area, making sure to cover stickers completely.

SpraynBond Deco Foil
3. Next, cover entire sprayed area with a sheet of the iCraft® DecoFoil™. Be sure to hand press or burnish all over DecoFoil™ to secure in place. Remove DecoFoil sheet.

SpraynBond Deco Foil
4. Using a straight pin to help, carefully remove stickers.


(I apologize if you now have the Sir Mix A Lot song stuck in your head!)
1. Fuse 1 – 5” x 28” piece of woven HeatnBond® Fusible Interfacing to the wrong side of each 5” x 28” strap piece.
2. Take one 5” X 28” strap piece, fold it in half lengthwise, and press. Open the piece back up, fold in both edges to meet in the middle and press. Fold it in half and press again. Topstitch along the 28” open side to secure strap. Repeat with second 4” X 28” strap piece.
3. Take one 18” X 20” outer bag piece and pin end of straps on the 20” side 5” from the 18” side. Pin so that the strap is laying on top of the outer bag piece. Repeat with the other strap and outer bag piece.

Bag Assembly:
1. Take both 18” X 20” outer bag pieces and place right sides together making sure straps are matching up. Pin in place. Sew along both 18” sides and along the bottom 20” side (without straps attached).
2. Make a 3” box bottom on each side. Turn outer bag right side out.
3. Take both 18” X 20” lining bag pieces and place right sides together. Pin in place. Sew along both 18”sides and along the bottom 20” side (being sure to leave a 4”opening for turning).
4. Make a 3” box bottom on each side. Leave lining piece wrong side out.
5. Insert outer bag into the lining with right sides together. Be sure the straps are tucked down in between the right sides of the lining and outer bag. Match side seams and pin together and pin centers of each body piece.
Sew around the entire top of the bag.
6. Pull bag right side out through 4” opening in lining. Push out all corners. Topstitch 4” opening closed.
7. Press edges on the top of bag well. Finish by topstitching 1⁄4” down around the entire top of bag.

Enjoy and have fun using your Tote Bags! My son and I are using ours as a library tote bag!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 Comment on Deco Foil Indygo Junction Tote Bag Tutorial

  1. Cindy Gillis
    March 26, 2015 at 7:05 am (10 years ago)

    I am working on a quilt and a tote bag and I would love to incorporate the Deco Foils in my bag! Thank you for the chance to win!!!