Therm O Web Products

Get Spooky This Halloween with Zots

Hello Therm O Web Fans!  Erin here with you today, upon the eve of all the trick or treat fun to be had!  Here’s a layout of our youngest a few years back!  This is a very special costume, as this was her sister’s favorite costume also! Therm O Web Supplies: Sticky Tape Mini Runner […] Read more…

Create An Embroidery Hoop Jack O’Lantern

Jennifer Jangles here bringing you a fun Jack O’lantern project made from an embroidery hoop. You could make this with any size hoop you have lying around.   First sketch out some eyes, a nose, and a mouth for your pumpkin on some Heat n Bond® Lite.  Iron it on to some black fabric, cut the pieces out. Cut […] Read more…

Create a Fun Halloween Interactive Card

Hello, it’s Erin here with you today, bringing you some more Halloween fun with this interactive card! Therm O Web Supplies: Sticky Tape Mini Runner Foam Squares Combo Pack Zots™ dots Medium Zots™ dots 3D Glitter Dust™ Photo Corners – Black Decorative Photo Corners – Kraft Other Supplies: Carta Bella Paper The Twinery – twine […] Read more…

Liquid Fabric Fuse Halloween Eyeball Coasters Tutorial

Hi Everyone,  It’s Becky from Patchwork Posse.  Home of fun sewing projects, quilt alongs, and a lot of chit chat!   Today I am so excited to share with you some super cute and spooky-eyeball coasters.  Using templates you have hanging around your house, these are super quick to sew up and make a great addition to any […] Read more…

Jennifer Jangles Patterns and fabric

Jennifer Jangles Birthday Cake Pincushions

This week, I got to play with the fun Walk in the Woods fabrics from Jennifer Jangles. I used them to make two super-cute pincushions from the Jennifer Jangles pattern line!   First – the fabrics! These fabrics are super cute, together or as blenders. I will be tucking the extras into a special corner […] Read more…

Halloween Cards with Simple Stories

Hello and Happy Halloween! I’ve always been a big fan of Halloween and love the latest collection from Simple Stories. Although I’m not currently doing pocket-style scrapbooking, the pocket-sized inserts make great backgrounds for cards.   With the background done you have more time to spend on the focal point. The tag is cut from […] Read more…

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