Therm O Web Products

Two for One Deco Foil Valentine Cards with Toner Card Fronts

Welcome everyone! This is Amanda from Twiddler’s Nook today with a fun technique to get two-for-one cards out of your toner card fronts. You can change little things to make them look different or create the exact same card assembly-line style to get more done faster if you need to also! Deco Foil Valentine Cards […] Read more…

Valentine Gnome Card with Gina K. Designs and Deco Foil

Hi everyone! Thanks for joining us today for this fun card tutorial featuring our Gina K. Designs Gnome for the Holidays & Festive Fall Kit. The Festive Fall kit is available and offers those sweet Gnome hands, coffee cup, trees and much more! If you didn’t pick it up…now is a perfect time! Valentine Gnome […] Read more…

Kids Lunch Box Gnome Valentines with Glitz Glitter Gel

I love sending my son to school with little lunch notes and sometimes I make enough for his whole class! I have an easy to mass produce mini lunch box notes using ThermOWeb Glitz Glitter Gel and some Gina K Designs gnomes! Kids Lunch Box Gnome Valentines with Glitz Glitter Gel [youtube My son […] Read more…

Colorful Heart Valentines with Laura Kelly Designs and Deco Foil

Hello everyone! Justin here and today I am sharing a fun way to make some valentine’s day cards that are just perfect for those school Valentine’s Mailboxes with the Laura Kelly Foils and Toner Sheets! When planning my project, I was inspired by those days when I would be tasked to bring an old shoebox […] Read more…

BEE Well Soon Card with Glitz Glitter Gel

BEE well soon!!! Haha! I love a good pun! Hey friends! It’s Amanda from Twiddler’s Nook today with a fun card for someone feeling a bit under the weather. I hope you enjoy it! Here’s a peek and a list of products used and then we’ll jump into the process. Bee Well Soon Card with […] Read more…

3 Ways to Use Deco Foil Flock for a Snowy Scrapbook Layout

Hiya ThermOWeb fans! Suzanna here on this snowy day here in Central Virginia with a snowy layout for you! We hadn’t had any snow here until today so this layout was created using pictures from last year. My daughter’s version of snow; posing for pictures that Mum requests that involve little to no interaction with […] Read more…

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