Fabric Projects

Christmas Cookies with Sparkle Paste

Hi! It’s Lisa from Quilty Zest, and my house is about to become baking central. We’ll be making several types of Christmas cookies – including these non-edible varieties! Join me and my son, Benji, for a Facebook Live in the Therm O Web Craft Room Facebook Group! Join me tonight at 7:30 PM CST as we […] Read more…

Free Paper Doll Block: Decorate with Applique and Sparkle Paste!

Hello friends! This is Jennifer Long from Sew A Story, a fabric designer with Riley Blake Designs and a doll and quilt pattern designer. I’m here to share a fun FREE quilt block that’s so fun to customize with your fabric, applique, and HeatnBond Sew A Story Sparkle Paste! Enjoy this free block pattern! Free Block […] Read more…

Strippy Improv Holiday Quilts using HeatnBond Lite

Hi everyone! It’s Lisa Ruble from Quilty Zest and I’m here today to share some of my best tips for making my favorite December pattern – Strippy Improv Holiday! This pattern uses my strippy improv technique, which is a combination of improv strip piecing (not scary, I promise!) and reverse applique using HeatnBond Lite. The […] Read more…

It Takes a Village Blog Tour

Hello and welcome to Inflorescence Designs. I am so joyful you are here! Today is my day for the Sew a Story: It Takes a Village Blog Tour hosted by Jennifer Long. The “It Takes a Village” fabric line by Riley Blake Designs was so fun to work with. I chose to work with their 10″ pre-cut […] Read more…

Soft Blocks for Fun Play

This little one is having so much fun with the blocks I made using the newest fabric collection by Jennifer Long, It Takes a Village. She was attracted to the bright colors and spent quite a while grabbing them and throwing them around. This project is perfect for using up much-loved leftovers, and quite enough […] Read more…

Tree Trimming Kitchen Towels - A Project by Belinda Karls-Nace for the Therm O Web Blog

Tree Trimming Kitchen Towel

Tree Trimming Kitchen Towel Greetings! It’s Belinda Karls-Nace from Blue Ribbon Designs, here with a brand new project tutorial featuring HeatnBond Lite. Today, I am excited to share my “Tree Trimming Kitchen Towel” with you. Are you looking for a quick holiday gift idea? This fast and easy project uses a standard kitchen towel available […] Read more…

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