It’s Julia from Inflorescence Designs! I’m so joyful you are visiting today. I am so excited to be sharing with you the project I will be creating for my next Facebook Live in the Therm O Web Craft Room Facebook Group! Join me tonight at 7:30 PM CST, March 5th, as I create Baby Bunny Candy Stuffers.
Don’t forget to join the Therm O Web Facebook Group prior to our live by clicking here and answering the questions to join!
Below is a list of products we will be using during tonight’s live!
Therm O Web Products Used:
- Deco Foil Liquid Adhesive
- Deco Foil Harmony Packs
- HeatnBond Sparkle Paste by Jennifer Long Sew a Story
- Deco Foil Hot Melt Adhesive Sheets
- PeelnStick Fabric Fuse Sheets
- Glitter Dust Spray
Other Key Products Used:
- Template
- Fabric
- (1) 4.5″ 7″
- (2) 4.5″ x 8
- Assorted embellishments: button
Key Tools Used:
- Janome 8200 Memory Craft Sewing Machine
- Basic Sewing Notions
- Oliso Iron
- Olfa Pressing Mat
I can’t wait to see you tonight at 7:30 PM CST in the Therm O Web Craft Room Group on Facebook!
Facebook Live Replay available after the show!
Starting to bloom by choosing JOY~ Julia