If you’re at Quilt Market this weekend, be sure to stop by the booth to check out this Coloring Book Quilt! Coloring Books are all the rage right now, and with the iCraft® DecoFoil™, you can make a coloring book quilt!
To make this quilt, we cut down a 1.5 yard piece of fabric (we used Metamorphosis by Stephanie Brandenburg for Frond Design Studios)
We marked off 9″ squares on the fabric as our “coloring book” space. The negative space was heavily quilted with white thread. The squares were lightly quilted with black thread, on the lines of the design. Then areas were painted in with the iCraft® Deco Foil™ Liquid Adhesive, allowed to dry, and then foil was applied. Over and over, sections were painted in and foiled to create this coloring book effect.